Latest Past Events

CBE HPC cluster introduction

CBE HPC cluster introduction This course provides an introduction to the CBE ("CLIP Batch Environment") high-performance computing cluster which is part of the Vienna Biocenter Cloud Infrastructure Project. Instructor: András Aszódi. Topics Introduction to the cluster: architecture, storage layout, access. Environment modules. Batch mode: SLURM queuing system, job scripts. Job arrays, task arrays, MPI jobs. […]

Advanced plotting with ggplot in R

Advanced plotting with ggplot in R The aim of this course is to teach you how to create informative scientific plots using the ggplot package in R. Instructor: András Aszódi. Topics Fundamentals of scientific visualisation. Introduction to ggplot. Data preparation, plot creation workflow. ggplot details: bars, boxes, densities, function plots, faceting. Prerequisites Basic familiarity with […]

Think Statistics with R

Think Statistics with R "It's easy to lie with statistics. It's hard to tell the truth without it." — Andrejs Dunkels, Latvian-Swedish mathematician The main aim of this course is to teach you to how to approach data analysis problems with classical statistics. We focus on the intuition behind statistical methodologies rather than on "how […]

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